Alexis Dziena

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Birth name : Alexis Gabbriel Dziena
Date of birth : 8 July 1984
Place of birth:  New York, New York, USA
Nickname:  Wonder Girl

Height: 5' 2" (1.57 m)


"Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one. I believe people are in our lives for a reason. We're here to learn from each other. Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears. Because of the wealth of fine music spread through the film, working on it held all the fun and excitement of attending a great concert."

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Alexis Dziena biography -

Alexis Gabbriel Dziena (pronounced da-ZEE-na; born July 8, 1984) is an American actress. A screen performer who, by her own account, was once typed as "the good girl" in a long string of telemovie soapers, Alexis Dziena then dramatically expanded her range with work in an extremely varied series of productions. These included Amy Sedaris' movie version of her satirical sitcom Strangers with Candy (in which the Manhattan native aggressively cut against her "good girl" typecasting by playing a bad seed), Jim Jarmusch's Broken Flowers (as a nymphet who fully disrobes to gain the attention of Bill Murray), and a blueblood with Mafia dreams in Barbara Kopple's Havoc (all in 2005). 

Alexis grew up in New York, and went to high school along side Bringing Rain (2003) costar, Paz de la Huerta. In addition to being an actress, she is a budding playwright. When she's not writing or on set, she can usually be found downtown, with her brother and boyfriend, dancing late into the night. When Alexis Dziena was asked to play a role in her high school production of Twelfth Night, she wasn't sure what to expect. Alexis found the experience to be so enjoyable that she was inspired to pursue acting and attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York.

Alexis's feature film credits include, Broken Flowers, with Bill Murray, Sharon Stone and Jessica Lange, Strangers with Candy, Havoc, opposite Anne Hathaway, Pizza, Mimic, Sentinel and the independent films Season of Youth and Bringing Rain. Dziena had a regular role as Kira Underlay on the short-lived ABC alien-invasion drama Invasion from 2005-2006, but the series did not last beyond its first season. She subsequently played a supporting part in the romantic comedy adventure Fool's Gold (2008), as Gemma Honeycutt, the debutante daughter of a billionaire (Donald Sutherland). 

Dziena was born in New York City, New York of Polish, Italian, and Irish descent. She attended Saint Ann's School alongside her Bringing Rain (2003) costar, Paz de la Huerta. Alexis spent many of her summers, growing up, in a small South New Jersey shore town, Sea Isle City. Also, during high school, she attended some classes at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and appeared in a number of plays there. In 2005, she played Lolita (a reference to Vladimir Nabokov's novel Lolita), a teenage girl, in Broken Flowers, in which she appeared fully nude in front of Bill Murray's character. She played Kira Underlay in ABC's Invasion. She made her acting debut in TNT's Witchblade. In addition to acting, she is a budding playwright and drummer. She dated actor Michael Pitt and currently resides in Los Angeles.

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