Alexandra Kamp

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Birth name : Alexandra Kamp
Date of birth : 29 December 1966
Place of birth:  Baden-Baden, Germany
Nickname:  Alex

Height: 5' 10" (1.78 m)


"What is important is to have values in life. What's important is how you are, not how you look. Obviously, I'm not a trained actress, and right now I'll come out and say I'm glad I'm not. I'm still figuring out why people would want to look at me. Maybe it's generic beauty, but it's weird to be valued for something I was born with."

Here you can find almost everything about Alexandra Kamp, Profile, Biography, Trivia, Filmography, Movies (you can purchase and buy), Photos Gallery, Magazines, Icons, Posters (if you want to see the posters all over your walls you can get them here) , Books, Famous Quotes, and a beautiful collection of Alexandra Kamp Wallpapers for your computer desktops.

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Alexandra Kamp Profile, Photos, Biography, Films, Quotes, Desktop Wallpapers and more at WhoABC Celebrities Guide .. Find everything about your favorite celebrities women and men, official sites, and addresses of famous people, and browse photo galleries of famous actors, actresses, models, and other celebrities. Get the latest on your favorite hottest actors and acctresses with entertainment news, celebrity biography, profile, photos, autographs, wallpapers, quotes, films .. and much more.

Alexandra Kamp-Groeneveld (born 29 December 1966) is a German model and actress. She was born in Baden-Baden to Peter Kamp and his wife. She visited drama schools in New York, Los Angeles and Paris before she started her career as an actress in 1994. After graduating from High School, Alexandra Kamp left Baden-Baden, where she was raised, to New York City. Alexanda Kamp started her acting career on the Haute Couture runways in Paris. 

Being a model for the fashion shows of Paco Rabanne, Christian Dior, Givenchy, Emmanuel Ungaro, Lanvin, Jil Sander with only a few to mention, she earned her own money to be able to enter one of the best actors school in France: Les Cours Florent. 

Her theatre debut begins in Germany, Switzerland and Paris. She started her first movie in 1994, and after " Riches, Belles et Cruelles " in 1998 with Claudia Cardinale. Very fast, Alexandra Kamp obtained a main part in an all femal cast feature. The film "Riches, Belles, etc.", starring Claudia Cardinale, Marisa Berenson and Anouk Aimיe. Alexandra Kamp continued on with numerous thrillers, cinema and television movies. 

She has had many star and supporting roles in German movies and TV series and some in Hollywood B-movies. In 1998, she acted together with Claudia Cardinale in Riches, Belles et Cruelles, in 2001 with Leslie Nielsen in 2001: A Space Travesty and in 2003 she played the star role in Sumuru together with Michael Shanks in an English-South African co-production. 

In 2007 she appeared as a covergirl on the German issue of the Playboy. Alexandra is the spokeswoman for the children's hospital "kinderhospiz" in the Bavarian Alps, which gives a care home to terminally ill children and their parents. She frequently gives charity readings.

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